At Coopers Edge School all of our class blogs are open to share with the world!

Chalking, drawing, painting and writing are just some of the exciting mark making opportunities the children have on a daily basis here at the Hatchlings…

Autumn walks

This afternoon the Hatchlings went for an Autumn Walk up to and around Forest School. We climbed hills and ducked under branches, we explored hidden away areas and helped each other pass prickly branches safely. The children found some interesting, Autumnal items! Come and have a look at our Autumn display and interest tray to see what the Hatchlings found. 

Miss Hughes 

Shaving foam shenanigans!

‘Smooth’, ‘slithering’, ‘soft’ and ‘sticky’ are just some of the words the Hatchings used to describe the shaving foam today.

This sensory activity followed on from hand printing and colour mixing last week as the children loved covering their arms and hands with paint. 

The shaving foam will be out all week for the Hatchlings to explore. 

The children settled so well into their first morning in Hatchlings. They enjoyed playing with a variety of toys and activities such as the Lego, train track and puzzles and painting. They especially loved playing in the home corner. We went outside and enjoyed some water play and balancing and climbing on the trim trail. 

Miss McGuirk

It was lovely to welcome so many parents, friends and family to our Nursery Graduation this morning. The children put on a fantastic show and we were extremely proud of each and every one of them. Even the weather was on our side as the rain stopped and the sun came out to shine on us all! We wish all the Hatchlings the best of luck as they start school in September. 

Mrs Hatcher

This afternoon some of the Hatchlings were feeling a bit sleepy so they decided to go to bed! They look very cosy don’t they!!

Mrs Hatcher

This morning the Hatchlings went for a walk to try and find as many different types of leaves as possible to match against their leaf charts.  They noticed that different trees have leaves of all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours. “Leaves turn brown and fall off the tree in Autumn” someone told me. We also spotted acorns, caterpillars, butterflies and pond skaters….what a lovely walk!

Mrs Hatcher

Today the Hatchlings joined reception class to meet a very important visitor – the school Lollipop Lady. We had a good talk about road safety and then we went outside to practice crossing the road safely. I wonder if any of the Hatchlings can remember the song we learned to help keep us safe?

Mrs Hatcher

The Fun Run

This afternoon the Hatchlings went to watch the school Fun Run. We had made our own flags to wave and we were very excited to cheer on our families and friends!!

Mrs Hatcher

The music garden

This afternoon the Hatchlings have been having fun exploring the Music Garden in the school playground, making all kinds of sounds (and music??!!) with the different instruments there. 

Mrs Hatcher